I found out that ecology is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment,and it was founded by the Danish botanist, Eugenius Warming.
Picture of Eugenius Warming
All changes can be described by cycles. Cycles can be drawn up for any element, but in biology, that of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphor, sulphur, as well as water are of interest.
Phosphorus Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Sulfur Cycle
The Water Cycle
The water cycle is the first to be introduced as the water supply of the earth's surface is besides the sun and the amount of energy provided by it the most important precondition of vegetation and thus also of the colonization of the earth. This known fact becomes especially impressive through satellite takings made of partially irrigated dry areas.
The oxygen Cycle
The oxygen of the atmosphere is almost completely the product of the photosynthetic activity of green plants. The oxygen content of the atmosphere increased continuously during earth history since the first occurrence of organisms that were able to split water and perform photosynthesis.
The Carbon cycle
Carbon is an element that occurs for the smallest part as atoms at the earth surface (carbon, diamonds). Its main part is either oxidized (carbon dioxide, carbonate/bicarbonate and a small amount of carbon monoxide) or reduced (hydrocarbons and their derivatives). The main part of the carbon of organic substances is reduced, and the fixation of carbon occurs during photosynthesis.
The Nitrogen Cycle
79 percent of the atmosphere consist of free nitrogen and at least the same amount of bound nitrogen is found in the lithosphere. These large reservoirs are not immediately available for plants. In this context, microorganisms have a central role. Nitrogen fixation is the cue.Plants use nitrogen almost only as ammonium and nitrate ions. In organic materials, nitrogen is mainly required for the production of the amino-groups found in proteins or nucleic acids. Nitrate and nitrite bacteria convert the amino groups back to nitrate or nitrite. Nitrate-reducing bacteria living in the soil or in water reduce oxidized nitrogen compounds and do thus close the cycle. Nitrogen fixation and reduction do roughly balance one each other.
The Phosphorus and the Sulfur Cycles
Of these two elements plants can only use certain groups of compounds: phosphates and sulfates. In the earth's biosphere exist no gaseous and also no reducing phosphor compounds. Gaseous sulfur compounds like hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide are rare and if they occur, they cause damage.
These are some of the nutrient cycles.I wonder will the cycles be affected by global warming caused by deforestation, emmision of carbon dioxide etc...
These are some of the nutrient cycles.I wonder will the cycles be affected by global warming caused by deforestation, emmision of carbon dioxide etc...
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